Nesva Care


The deluxe Nesva Hotel has embraced environmental awareness since its inception, implementing a green program and carbon footprint reduction measures during the initial construction phase. Every guestroom and utility room features water and energy-efficient products, including motion sensors, LED lighting, energy-saving mini refrigerators, dual flush toilets, and low-flow showers and faucets, aimed at minimizing electricity and water consumption.

We encourage our guests to participate in our towel re-use program, indicated by a notice in all accommodations, inviting guests to place towels on racks if they are willing to re-use them. Additionally, we suggest simple actions to further reduce environmental impact, such as turning off lights, electronics, and heating/cooling when leaving the room and conserving water during daily routines as well as utilizing public transportation.

At Nesva Hotel, we believe these efforts contribute to environmental preservation while maintaining exceptional service and conserving Earth's vital resources. Every little action counts towards a greener future.