New York City's Weather

We at Nesva Hotel want you to enjoy and make the best of your trip to NYC! Below is a comprehensive list of must bring items.

New York City experiences wet cold winters and humid hot summers. If visiting during the summer months, make sure you bring very light clothing and plenty of sunscreen. In the winter months, bring a warm jacket and boots.

SPRING March, April, May  These months are often quite pleasant. Bring light slacks, long sleeve tops and a warm sweater or coat for the evenings. 
SUMMER June, July, August The summer months can bring stifling heat and humidity to the city. Even at night, temperatures may remain in the 90s. Bring short sleeves and sunscreen to help with the summertime sun. 
FALL September, October, November  These are some of the most pleasant months in New York City. The air is crisp and clear, and the sun shines often. Pack light slacks and long sleeve tops. You will also want to pack a warm sweater or coat for the evenings. Especially for November, as the evenings can dip below freezing. 
WINTER December, January, February  During these months it can get very cold and very windy. Snow and/or sleet can also make walking slippery and your clothes may get wet. Pack heavy, warm clothing and shoes.